Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Big emotional month

January can end, I'd like a do-over... This month has been rough. Our dog is sick, like really sick. Many of you follow me on Facebook and seen our saga. We got Luna when she was a pup and picked her because she laid in Bella's lap on her back with her legs up. I knew that moment that SHE was OUR dog! A week later, I found out I was pregnant with our second (now Grayson) and had a WTF are we doing moment! Bella was a solid year old, we were about to have a puppy AND now we were pregnant. What on earth were we thinking? We weren't... and 8 years later, it's clearly all worked out.

We picked her name because of a Jason Mraz song "Bella Luna". I loved the name Luna. Her middle name Claire is from San Diego where Ryan and I met. He lived near Claremont Mesa. Luna Claire it was and she became fully registered as a Zizzo.

What I didn't know is the immense amount of love a dog could bring to our lives. We always had outdoor dogs when I was little and Ryan didn't have dogs. We weren't outdoor dog kind of people so Luna has always been an inside dog. Luna greets you with a smile when you enter the door, for real, she smiles, ask anyone who's met her. She's full of endless love, never judges, rarely barks, never growls, always listens. She's tolerated babies crawling over her, babies laying on her, tons of hugs, lots of tummy and ear rubs. She's the most loving dog I've ever met. The kids have been raised with her.

She's been sick since just after the first of the year. We initially took her to the emergency vet for a fever and just acting off. We thought we were on the upswing and we were wrong. Back to our vet for more testing. New antibiotics, more waiting. Still a super sick, lethargic, sad looking girl. I've shed more tears then I care to count. Every time I look at her, I think of her laying on my chest when Luca was breech and just waiting patiently with me while I patiently waited for him to flip. I remember when she climbed into Bella's bouncy seat when Bella was a baby and looking over and laughing. Bouncy seats aren't just for babies, puppies love them too. 

Hug your puppies tight while we await the final results of Luna's labs. This sweet pup is straight from God, I'm sure of it. 

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