We had a little mishap with his initial order. Initially we ordered from the eye doctor for a hefty price tag of almost $550. Yikes! I didn't know better and ordered them without hesitation. Then they got lost in transit after 14 days so we were told it would be another 10-14 days to get a new pair. I opted to cancel the order and order elsewhere. I picked up his prescription and went to walmart. He picked out a great pair that he loved for his frame, polycarbonate lenses and antireflective for less than $100. They have a one year warranty so that's great too. I'm still working on ordering a cheaper backup pair online, just in case! It's always good to have a second pair because you never know!
We are still working on responsibility and glasses. He takes them off when he's kicking the ball in the backyard with his brother or jumping on the trampoline. While that's great, I found them in the middle of the hallway on the floor NOT in a case yesterday. We had a little chat about the cost of glasses and the importance of being responsible with them. Not only are they costly but if they break due to his irresponsibility, he'll have some consequences. I stressed set them in the case in somewhere that he would remember, his drawer or his backpack. I imagine this will continue to be a work in progress.
Yesterday while getting ready for school he was reading before school! First off, finding a book that interests him is SO important. He's completely uninterested in first reader type books. We found that if he has a book with facts about animals in it, he's all over it. Yesterday he was reading "Fangs" which is all about animals with fangs. Ugh, not my thing but I will tell you I learned all sorts of interesting facts! I'd like to think the reading is easier too since he can see better and BOTH of his eyes are now doing the work instead of one.
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