Thursday, February 21, 2019

The joys of being a mama

Being a parent is NO joke. I just had a conversation with one of my aunts about how as parents we do the very best we can and sometimes its just not enough, whether thats because our kids feel like its not enough or we feel like its not enough. There have been MANY times I've felt like a failure as a parent. I remember one time not strapping Bella into the bouncy seat and finding that she bounced right onto the floor! Hello I'm a pediatric nurse, don't I know better! Clearly not.

I mentioned before that we've had a rough few months with Luna being sick. It took a toll on all of us emotionally and mentally. Kids handle it in such different ways. It's the first close loss that my kiddos have experience and unfortunately it won't be the last. We, as parents, have tried to support them in any way that we can. We are beyond blessed to have a community of amazing teachers, incredible friends and support from all sides. Luca brought a sweet note home from a friend about how she was sorry. It was so thoughtful! Bella brought a note home from a friend too. So kind! Grayson's friend at school talked to him about it too. Such support from all sides and its been so important for the kids to feel that love.

Last night, Grayson was acting strange when he came home from school. He was extra snuggly and lovey. He's usually a snuggly guy but I could tell he was off. He snuggled on the couch and we read for an hour together. He started and FINISHED this book in one day! He still wouldn't open up about what was going on.

He came out after he went to bed and was crying over a wiggly tooth then I asked him if he wanted to just snuggle a bit longer. We snuggled until he fell asleep. As I watched him so relaxed curled up next to me, I just soaked it all in. This big boy was going to be turning 8 this year, how is that even possible? 

I thought about how powerful being a mother really was. I had the ability in that very moment to calm my child. I had the ability to rub his head and hold his hand, I knew what he liked and what made him feel comfortable and safe. I had the ability to just snuggle him until his body relaxed and he fell asleep. I had the power to help him calm down and just be peaceful. What an incredible gift as a parent. 

So in the midst of the chaos and the storms of life, I was given such an amazing gift. Being a parent is far from easy but it is so worth it! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Helping friends

Bella has been a little sidekick for our friend, Amy at A Doll Like Me. She's BLOWING up on her gofundme campaign and is interviewing left and right! Amy asked if Bella could help out with sharing why having a doll like you is important and Bella, of course, has strong opinions about why! I really enjoyed being there and listening to them both speak. Amy is SO passionate about what she does and she's a one woman show. She's currently running the media, making the dolls, communicating with all of those interested, communicating with people about interviews. She might be the definition of insane currently, but we still love her! As for us, we are SUPER proud of her and happy to help! 

Monday, February 18, 2019

Be a little LESS judgey

I was at the gym on Saturday minding my own business when I overheard a woman say "She should've bought at least 25 boxes from her daughter!"... they were talking about a little Girl Scout who only sold 25 boxes of cookies. I continued getting ready but it got under my skin. It got so far under my skin that 2 days later, I'm still annoyed by it.

Can we be a little less judgey please? I mean for the love of Pete, she sold 25 boxes, I'm sure other girls sold 100, some even 200... but lets be real, not all of us have it in us every year to beg people to buy shit from our children.

Let's think about the stuff my kids raise money for: Jump Rope for Heart, Girl Scouts, Camp No Limits, Magazine sales, spring fundraiser, fall fundraiser... that's only the start I'm sure. But here's the thing, while I love Girl Scouts and I will eat the crap out of some thin mints, I have to balance my priorities.

This year during cookie sales our Luna girl was SO sick. The last thing I cared about was how many boxes of cookies my daughter sold OR how many I bought. My concern was for our dog, how my kids were dealing with a dog they knew was sick, balancing work, home, relationships, balancing homework and fun, balancing how to best help our Luna to be sure she was getting the best care possible and the most love. There were MANY days I spent home snuggling her instead of running errands or going to the gym. There were days I spent cleaning up dog accidents and then loving Luna. There were days I ate too many chocolates and days I didn't drink enough water. My priority in all of it was Luna.

What I'm saying is that people EVERY WHERE are listening, even people in the gym locker room. I'm a girl scout mom and I felt judged by these bitches in the locker room. Yes I said bitches. Think about kindness, think about love, think about joy. A little less negativity people.

Tonight, I listened to my sweet 9 year old cry herself to sleep about missing her dog. About missing her snuggles and her "unconditional love, she just loved you no matter what. If you were sad or happy, she loved you. AND she knew, she knew if you were sad and needed extra love." I told her that someday, she'd understand that as her mama I loved her the same way her sweet pup did. I love her no matter what. My words "if you are happy or sad, if you are a total jerk or the sweetest angel, if you seriously fail a test or if you do amazing, I love you endlessly, no matter what. Someday, when you are a mama, I hope you realize that I love you like Luna did."

Be like Luna, love unconditionally, no matter what.

The joys of being a mama

Being a parent is NO joke. I just had a conversation with one of my aunts about how as parents we do the very best we can and sometimes its ...