Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Run... don't walk...

Grab a pen and a piece of paper and be ready to take notes. This blog post is amazing. I rarely read things shared on social media but this is something I clicked on and took the time to read. I'm so glad I did.

Some days, being a mom is more "adulting" than I can handle. Some days I'm high as a kite on this parenting cloud, rocking the shit of it... but most days, there are struggles. It's real life right?

The last weekend was all about family and us... This weekend my kids asked me to get in the balls with them at a play place. The nurse in me grossed out, the mom in me said what the heck. I jumped in. I tossed them in. We buried each other. We jumped up and scared each other. We pushed each other in. There was laughing and giggling. Not a care in the world but my babies.

I'm building relationships with me kids. Relationships that will last a lifetime. I'm not perfect, I'm far far from it. I'm learning as I go, aren't we all? Some days I struggle and some days I don't. Most days I'm working to find the balance in life... between making lunches, dinners, cleaning, working, working out, laundry... there's a balance. This weekend, I found that balance. I got to taste it. I jumped into the balls with my kids, I had fun, I laughed. Find the balance when you can. Take notes from the article I posted, I know I am!

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