(My crazy poser at Target)
I'd rather have a life full of memories than a house full of stuff. Stuff means nothing, we can't take it with us. Memories however, they are what keep us alive. Memories of my dad remind me of how deeply I was loved by him. Memories of sunny San Diego, remind me of the beach and meeting the Mr. Memories of hiking in Washington State are filled with laughter and our hike and how my pants were too long and got soaked to my knees. A tiny $12 ring I got on our Mt. Rainer hike still sits on my right hand and reminds me of our first adventures together, before we were truly a couple. Mexico reminds me of my sister and brother in laws wedding and monkeys... and chicken and cheese. Ah the sweet memories. A price tag that sits empty because memories can't hold a price. Instead they hold a place in our heart. I vow to fill my children's hearts and minds with sweet, sweet memories of our adventures together as a family.
(Cookie decorating in Madison)
This year, our adventure will take us to Maine. I'm dreaming of eating lobster and sticking my toes in the sand. I'm dreaming of meeting new camp friends and spending time reconnecting with old ones. I'm dreaming of new adventures, new sibling groups, new tasks completed, new parent support... My heart will be filled once again with gratitude.
(silly girl at Hobby Lobby)--------------------->
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