Monday, February 6, 2017

It's not always about us...

Part of this blog is education. Part of it is sharing our story. Part of it is connecting families. I've been beyond thrilled to do all and then some. Today, I'm sharing a story that will educate you, that's part of our story... of someone who is connected to our family. Josh Kennison is a friend, he's one of the warmest, welcoming people that you'll ever meet.

I remember one of my first conversations with him at Florida Camp No Limits. I remember him asking me about being a mother of a child with a limb difference. He asked about my feelings and thoughts and he also asked if I thought about it when I had each of the boys. I openly shared my thoughts and feelings with him, like he had been a friend for years. I knew he wasn't someone that would judge me or make me feel a certain way. That alone is priceless. As a parent, we often feel others are judging us... he did not make me feel this way. He genuinely listened and took in what I was saying.

What did I tell him? I wasn't afraid when I found out Bella had a limb difference, there were many "what if" questions but none of them were fear for me. I told him how Ryan and I researched shoe tying, ponytails, nail painting, crawling... the research was endless, we just wanted to be the best parents we could for our daughter. I remember telling him that I wasn't afraid of having other children with limb differences. I was more afraid of how my heart could have room to love two and then three babies all the same (don't worry it does!).

I remember watching Josh with the kids at camp. I watched him with the siblings. I watched him hug kids or offer his arm for them to hold. I watched Grayson pretend to be Josh because he admired him. I remember Grayson saying "Hi I'm Josh, nice to meet ya" as he was playing in our room. Clearly Josh had made an impact. His cool, kind demeanor touched my sweet three year old.

Today, Josh needs our help. He's having some struggles. He's a strong man, an independent man, a selfless man. Take time to read his story. Donate if you can, pray if you can, send him your positive thoughts, he could use it. Today is about helping Josh make ends meet so that he doesn't have to struggle.

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