Have you heard the Luke Bryan song "Most People Are Good"? It's one of Bella and I's favorite songs. It's a great song!
"I believe most people are good and most mama's oughta qualify for sainthood...
I believe this world ain't half as bad as it looks. I believe most people are good."
If you ever see us jamming out in the minivan, it very well might be to this song. We blast it!
Here's the thing, there's so much bad in this world but what if, just what if we spend more time focusing on the good?
I reached out a few days ago to the founder of the Lucky Fin Project, Molly Stapleman, about music and a recorder. Bella's PE teacher this year mentioned that in the second semester they do recorders in music and she was thinking about how Bella would do that. (Side note: I love that she's thinking about Bella and how she can help her or what might help her even if it's NOT a PE thing. That's amazing!) Molly is an amazing advocate for children with limb differences. Hello she founded the Lucky Fin Project! I've followed her since before Bella was born. I should add that I've never actually met her in person, someday though, someday!
Molly offered to send us a recorder for Bella for FREE! This might not seem like a big deal to the rest of you. However for a kiddo with one hand that just wants to do everything that everyone else does, it's GIANT!! I was brought to tears when she said she'd send one and then said it was free. I offered to pay and she said no. Who does that? I'll tell you who, Molly does!
The community for kids and families of kids with limb difference is nothing short of amazing. I know I'm super passionate about it. I might even annoy the crap out of people with my excitement but seriously, be the good there is in this world. Everyone should be a little more like Molly!
Friday, September 28, 2018
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
I'm a kick butt mom... or not.
Yesterday, I was killing it. I spent my day off by going to the gym, running some errands, finishing a couple projects, doing some real work, cooking and getting ready for the kids to come home. I was feeling on top of the world.
The kids came home, visited with Grandma Linda for a bit and we started right away on homework. An hour and a half later, I knocked it out of the park. All the homework was done, kids were happy, I was happy. We were playing and snuggling on the couch.
The rest of the evening was as normal. Dinner, bath, bed at 7 pm. Yes my kids go to bed at 7, they wake up between 530-6 NO MATTER WHAT. That means, if I put them to bed at midnight, they wake up between 530-6 and are grumpy all day. They go to bed at 9, wake up between 530-6 and still grumpiness. Bed at 7 means they actually have a little down time and then fall fast asleep. It leads to less melt downs and better days. If you have some sort of solution to this habit they've had since BIRTH, I'm all ears!
I sat on the couch at the end of the night, after slaying the day, to realize we forgot one piece of Luca's homework. I was no longer a kick butt mom, I was a failure. Damn it, kindergarten homework, completely forgotten.
Then I sat there thinking, isn't family and playing important? I mean they get off the bus at 4 and we spent until almost dinner doing homework. We had 30 minutes of bliss, of playing, snuggling, giggling, playing games on the floor, playing board games. That NEVER happens during the week. Did I really fail because my kid didn't do 10-15 minutes of homework?
This shit is hard you guys. Like really hard. There are TWO of us battling homework, snacks, dinner, baths, snuggles, bedtime. What do single parents do? What do parents of more than 3 kids do? Do they fail because they didn't do one sheet of homework? Where does family time come into all of this?
We stress "Work life balance" in the "real world"... is there really a work life balance? Is there really a school and life balance? I'm starting to wonder. I mean these are my babies. My sweet little 5 year old has HOMEWORK you all! Is it really necessary after he's been at school all day to do more? I think his little brain needs a break. Does he HAVE to read in kindergarten? The answer is yes... because he'll be behind if he doesn't. A part of this all breaks my heart. Can't he just enjoy his life a little? What gives?
How the heck do you balance it all? I'm lucky that Ryan and I are both home very close to 4 pm. That's what helps our ship keep going... I have NO idea what we would do if I was still working 12 hour shifts... really NO clue! I'm simply saying there has to be a different way for them to excel without killing them with endless work at such a young age. Why must there be SO much pressure at the elementary level?
I welcome your thoughts, your advice, your tips. What works for you? How do YOU balance it all? How do your kids balance it all? What does YOUR school send home for "homework?
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Doctor update
Our pediatrician signed the prescription for the prosthetic. I knew she would, it was just a matter of WHEN it would all happen. It's kind of a lot of steps, I'll break it down a little.
- Find the best prosthetist in the Milwaukee area for kids AND upper limbs- DONE
- Call pediatrician to get referral to prosthetist- DONE
- Schedule appointment with prosthetist- DONE
- Complete appointment- DONE
- Hanger to send more information to pediatrician with more information from the visit and their recommendations for what would best meet Bella's needs and help her stay safe- DONE
- Call pediatrician to verify they have the documentation from Hanger-DONE
- Pediatrician to review Hanger's documentation, sign prescription and send it back to Hanger- DONE
- Hanger to send information to insurance- WAITING
- Call insurance to be sure they have the information necessary to make a decision-
- Insurance company to review information sent- This usually takes 5-15 business days.
- Call and encourage them to approve the prosthetic-
- Insurance company must approve or deny prosthetic-
- If approved, more forward with making the prosthetic-
- Casting to fit prosthetic to Bella- DONE
- Prosthetic completed and Bella to come in for fitting and adjustments-
- Another fitting after initial adjustments, this could be a final fitting or may need more adjustments
- Thank everyone who helped us in the process
- Celebrate the new prosthetic
Friday, September 21, 2018
What's actually in the 504?
I shared the meeting process in a previous post but I didn't share what's in her actual 504. Today, I'll share what adaptations we make for school and what we have written in her 504. I'm doing this in hopes that it will help someone who is the parent of a child with a limb difference. I'm also sharing this so others know the things that help Bella be more successful in the school system.
Super simple change #1- put paper towels in a drawer near the sink in the classroom. While this may seem like a small thing, her teacher last year did it for the first time. Bella found it super kind that her teacher did that AND it was helpful because the paper towels didn't shred every time she tried to pull one from the dispenser. You know those dispensers that show a picture of both hands, try using one hand next time. They tear into small pieces or shred all together. Small changes= big difference!
A big focus is physical education and safety. We have it written in our plan to "consult between parent, PE teacher, and district PT quarterly to review unit activities and adapt if necessary". Bella's PE teacher and I have really great communication and this has helped. We actually met last week which was really helpful for talking about what units are coming up and our plan. We had a solid plan in place prior to the 504 meeting which is one reason we breezed through the official 504 meeting.
Bella and her PE teacher for pre-teaching outside of the classroom. This occurred last year and according to her PE teacher a really great boost in her self-confidence. Once the skill came up during the class, Bella and her PE teacher already had their plan in place for adaptations if necessary. This allowed her to walk into PE and start the skill right away. This allows her to feel comfortable and also helps that it doesn't take time away from the actual activity during PE.
Safety during PE is essential, especially when it comes to weight bearing on her upper extremities (arms). When a person is missing fingers, their balance and stability is compromised. Her prosthetic has really leveled the playing field. It allows her balance and stability and allows her to safely weight bear on her arms and hands. That alone is worth the cost in my eyes! When Bella does strength or balancing activities in PE, I've asked for her to be closer to the teacher so she can be more closely observed. This is written in her 504.
Another "little thing" that we do is photo copy longer math work or class notes to reduce writing fatigue. In fourth grade in our district, kids are assigned an I-pad through school. This is really helpful because now Bella can take a photo (suggested by the principal- which I think is a great idea!) so that she can have the information for later. You can also edit the photos so she could "write" on the screen. Anything we can do to help decrease the workload of that right hand, we will!
She also has the option to use technology resources for assignments, such as Voice to text, read write, word prediction and see saw. That's written exactly in her 504 plan. I wanted her to be able to voice to text for longer assignments, again to reduce workload on her right hand. Sometimes, I will transcribe her answers or write things when we are home in order to decrease the workload. If she has a paragraph to write, she will tell me what to write and I write her words exactly.
The last thing is allowing her extra time for self help and daily living activities. Buttons, zippers, shoe tying are usually a non-issue at this point, however sometimes it does take her a little longer. I'm not talking 10 minutes longer, just a minute or two. The transition from lunch to recess when you have to change to winter gear can be problematic. We are still working on a glove that will work to keep her left hand warm and allow her to still be independent.
This year, we'll face recorders in music. Lord help me... kidding, kind of! Anyhow, we'll have to figure out what works for that!
Super simple change #1- put paper towels in a drawer near the sink in the classroom. While this may seem like a small thing, her teacher last year did it for the first time. Bella found it super kind that her teacher did that AND it was helpful because the paper towels didn't shred every time she tried to pull one from the dispenser. You know those dispensers that show a picture of both hands, try using one hand next time. They tear into small pieces or shred all together. Small changes= big difference!
A big focus is physical education and safety. We have it written in our plan to "consult between parent, PE teacher, and district PT quarterly to review unit activities and adapt if necessary". Bella's PE teacher and I have really great communication and this has helped. We actually met last week which was really helpful for talking about what units are coming up and our plan. We had a solid plan in place prior to the 504 meeting which is one reason we breezed through the official 504 meeting.
Bella and her PE teacher for pre-teaching outside of the classroom. This occurred last year and according to her PE teacher a really great boost in her self-confidence. Once the skill came up during the class, Bella and her PE teacher already had their plan in place for adaptations if necessary. This allowed her to walk into PE and start the skill right away. This allows her to feel comfortable and also helps that it doesn't take time away from the actual activity during PE.
Safety during PE is essential, especially when it comes to weight bearing on her upper extremities (arms). When a person is missing fingers, their balance and stability is compromised. Her prosthetic has really leveled the playing field. It allows her balance and stability and allows her to safely weight bear on her arms and hands. That alone is worth the cost in my eyes! When Bella does strength or balancing activities in PE, I've asked for her to be closer to the teacher so she can be more closely observed. This is written in her 504.
Another "little thing" that we do is photo copy longer math work or class notes to reduce writing fatigue. In fourth grade in our district, kids are assigned an I-pad through school. This is really helpful because now Bella can take a photo (suggested by the principal- which I think is a great idea!) so that she can have the information for later. You can also edit the photos so she could "write" on the screen. Anything we can do to help decrease the workload of that right hand, we will!
She also has the option to use technology resources for assignments, such as Voice to text, read write, word prediction and see saw. That's written exactly in her 504 plan. I wanted her to be able to voice to text for longer assignments, again to reduce workload on her right hand. Sometimes, I will transcribe her answers or write things when we are home in order to decrease the workload. If she has a paragraph to write, she will tell me what to write and I write her words exactly.
The last thing is allowing her extra time for self help and daily living activities. Buttons, zippers, shoe tying are usually a non-issue at this point, however sometimes it does take her a little longer. I'm not talking 10 minutes longer, just a minute or two. The transition from lunch to recess when you have to change to winter gear can be problematic. We are still working on a glove that will work to keep her left hand warm and allow her to still be independent.
This year, we'll face recorders in music. Lord help me... kidding, kind of! Anyhow, we'll have to figure out what works for that!
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
504 meeting update
Our 504 meeting was Tuesday morning. Our 504 team this year included the principal, a district physical therapist, the physical education teacher, the school psychologist (she kind of runs the meeting), Bella's classroom teacher and myself. The only person new to the meeting was Bella's classroom teacher since that changes year to year.
I do not bring my kids to the 504 meetings. I've found that mostly it's boring adult talk... though I forsee that in Bella's future this might be something she wants to be a part of. It will teach her how to advocate for the things that she needs as she gets older. We'll address that when we get there. So, where did the kids go during a meeting at 7:30am? Thankfully I have a fabulous friend and neighbor that watched the boys so they didn't have to be entertained. They love going there so they were thrilled! Bella had her FIRST choir practice, so she was busy as well.
Going into the meeting, I think it's important that I have my own expectation. My expectation ultimately includes Bella staying safe and being cautious with overuse of her right hand. You and I get to do things with both hands, like cleaning, opening a jar or a door, holding things, typing... remember for her, her right hand is taxed with 100% of the work. She's nine now so it might not be a current issue, however I assume it will be an issue as she grows and gets older.
This years meeting was a breeze, like less than 30 minutes! I brought her old plan so I could reference it. The psychologist had her new tentative 504 plan. We whizzed through everything and were done quickly. It was truly a seamless process. I'm so thankful for our school and the people that are passionate about helping our kids succeed!
I do not bring my kids to the 504 meetings. I've found that mostly it's boring adult talk... though I forsee that in Bella's future this might be something she wants to be a part of. It will teach her how to advocate for the things that she needs as she gets older. We'll address that when we get there. So, where did the kids go during a meeting at 7:30am? Thankfully I have a fabulous friend and neighbor that watched the boys so they didn't have to be entertained. They love going there so they were thrilled! Bella had her FIRST choir practice, so she was busy as well.
Going into the meeting, I think it's important that I have my own expectation. My expectation ultimately includes Bella staying safe and being cautious with overuse of her right hand. You and I get to do things with both hands, like cleaning, opening a jar or a door, holding things, typing... remember for her, her right hand is taxed with 100% of the work. She's nine now so it might not be a current issue, however I assume it will be an issue as she grows and gets older.
This years meeting was a breeze, like less than 30 minutes! I brought her old plan so I could reference it. The psychologist had her new tentative 504 plan. We whizzed through everything and were done quickly. It was truly a seamless process. I'm so thankful for our school and the people that are passionate about helping our kids succeed!
Friday, September 14, 2018
On my agenda
It's on my agenda to make myself a shirt that says "Advocate like a mother". Really! Advocating is NOT for the weak. You need a big pair of....
All jokes aside, this whole prosthetic process can be really frustrating. REALLY frustrating! So yeah, I'm not backing down. I was chosen to be Bella's mother for a reason and I will advocate for her until she gets what she needs to be successful.
After the kids got off to school today, I was having a moment. A moment of sulking, of missing babies at home, of homework struggles, of school struggles, bus struggles, missing my dad, struggling with my body, work struggles... just life was really feeling a bit rough. I was daydreaming about loading us all up in the camper and going on endless adventures. Lofty goals, I know.
(camping earlier this summer)
In my moment, I decided I was going to call insurance just to ensure that they received the request. They haven't. That's a joke right? Wrong. They had nothing on file from anyone regarding a new prosthetic... ugh.
I have worked in the medical field for 16 years and nothing frustrates me more than the medical field. In all seriousness, it can be a like you are circling the drain waiting and worrying. I remember back to when my mom had cancer, they did all the testing then it was hurry up and wait. There's no waiting with cancer people, run those tests and let's kick ass and take names! Thankfully my mom did just that. What's a mama to do when she finds out that basically we are still sitting at square one. You call Hanger to find out what's the hold up. I did just that and they are sending things over to our pediatrician today. She will then write a prescription for the prosthetic. The funny thing about all of this is that our pediatrician has NO other patients with limb differences or amputations, just Bella... It's safe to say she's really educated on the whole thing *rolling my eyes*. Thankfully she's a really smart woman and will figure out what she can do to get Bella what she needs. I'll expect a phone call early next week from them.
Now we wait... I hope your patience is better than mine!
Thursday, September 13, 2018
504 meeting
Part of our 504 plan is to meet with Physical Education teacher quarterly. We recently met for fourth grade first quarter. This part of our 504 is really important since there are modifications that need to be made or changes that need to occur to keep Bella safe and to ensure she is able to participate.
Her PE teacher is awesome. She's constantly brainstorming ways to help Bella. She came up with some time outside of PE to trial a new skill that might present challenges. Bella never really mentioned it to me outside of our initially 504 meeting last year. Her teacher would say that it was working out well and that it was useful.
When we met, I figured out just how useful that time was for both of them. They could talk then make changes or brainstorm together. Hearing straight from the teacher how it worked for them was great. It made me realize just how hard she is working on Bella's behalf. I could tell that she had already thought about some ways to help her for this coming year.
We talked about her current prosthetic and the fit. This could present some challenges for weight bearing on her hands at the start of this year. She suggested manipulating the scheduling of testing off for Bella so that she could be successful in the skills. This may mean that we have to wait for her new prosthetic for her test off. One example is push-ups. She can't really weight bear safely on her left "hand" for push ups. The prosthetic ensures that the wrist on her left hand is safe, it also ensures that she has a stable surface. The "mushroom" attachment provides the stable surface. For you or I, we have two hands with fingers to keep us stable.
We talked a lot about how Bella had changed last year. Her teacher felt her prosthetic made a big difference in her mindset. She worked hard to figure out a way to make things work. She was quick to put on her prosthetic at appropriate times, sometimes she would have a friend help. She talked about the skills that she utilized the prosthetic for. From hockey, to jump rope, the tumbling... the list is extensive. It allowed her to have the same opportunities as her peers! It's all about leveling the playing field and making things EQUAL.
She will never have two typical functioning hands. For us and for her, she shouldn't be excluded due to her limb difference. She should be able to do all of the things the other kids are doing, limb difference or not! She ties her shoes, fixes her own ponytails and does so many things in a way that's different from me but it works for HER. My job as her mama is to advocate for her to ensure that she is getting those equal opportunities. I'm happy to report that her PE teacher is also ensuring that she has equal opportunities as well.
My eyes welled up with tears when she talked about the difference she has seen in Bella since she got her prosthetic. Does she use it every day for every task? No... it's really task specific. You can't use the mushroom attachment for holding pencils. It's specific to upper extremity weight bearing exercises. You can't use the other attachment for much that we've found. We've used it for bikes but it pinches her inner elbow. We've used cord keepers and that attachment for hockey, jump rope and a few other things.
Her PE teacher is awesome. She's constantly brainstorming ways to help Bella. She came up with some time outside of PE to trial a new skill that might present challenges. Bella never really mentioned it to me outside of our initially 504 meeting last year. Her teacher would say that it was working out well and that it was useful.
When we met, I figured out just how useful that time was for both of them. They could talk then make changes or brainstorm together. Hearing straight from the teacher how it worked for them was great. It made me realize just how hard she is working on Bella's behalf. I could tell that she had already thought about some ways to help her for this coming year.
We talked about her current prosthetic and the fit. This could present some challenges for weight bearing on her hands at the start of this year. She suggested manipulating the scheduling of testing off for Bella so that she could be successful in the skills. This may mean that we have to wait for her new prosthetic for her test off. One example is push-ups. She can't really weight bear safely on her left "hand" for push ups. The prosthetic ensures that the wrist on her left hand is safe, it also ensures that she has a stable surface. The "mushroom" attachment provides the stable surface. For you or I, we have two hands with fingers to keep us stable.
We talked a lot about how Bella had changed last year. Her teacher felt her prosthetic made a big difference in her mindset. She worked hard to figure out a way to make things work. She was quick to put on her prosthetic at appropriate times, sometimes she would have a friend help. She talked about the skills that she utilized the prosthetic for. From hockey, to jump rope, the tumbling... the list is extensive. It allowed her to have the same opportunities as her peers! It's all about leveling the playing field and making things EQUAL.
She will never have two typical functioning hands. For us and for her, she shouldn't be excluded due to her limb difference. She should be able to do all of the things the other kids are doing, limb difference or not! She ties her shoes, fixes her own ponytails and does so many things in a way that's different from me but it works for HER. My job as her mama is to advocate for her to ensure that she is getting those equal opportunities. I'm happy to report that her PE teacher is also ensuring that she has equal opportunities as well.
My eyes welled up with tears when she talked about the difference she has seen in Bella since she got her prosthetic. Does she use it every day for every task? No... it's really task specific. You can't use the mushroom attachment for holding pencils. It's specific to upper extremity weight bearing exercises. You can't use the other attachment for much that we've found. We've used it for bikes but it pinches her inner elbow. We've used cord keepers and that attachment for hockey, jump rope and a few other things.
(She has the one on the far left of the photo)
If you don't have a 504 for your limb difference child, I would recommend looking into one. It just puts some things into place that might help you keep your child safe and functioning at their full ability. We have her FULL 504 meeting in a little over a week. I'll update as we have the full plan in place in hopes that it can help another family.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Tiny insurance update
(At the Harley parade in downtown Milwaukee)
Can we just call bullshit on a prosthetic every 3 years for adults though? Why is that a thing? If the fit isn't right, then they are just supposed to suffer and not get a new one? I'd love to hear our adult prosthetic using friends weigh in on this one.
On a side note, if you follow me on Facebook, you'll see that our friend Nicole just got new legs! This woman has so much determination and persistence! She's also a nurse, so I'm sure she's a strong advocate for herself and her needs. There's a video of her walking on her new legs on my Facebook page. Seriously, give that girl some love! On another note, watching her excitement was like watching a kid at Christmas. It's THAT good. To those of us with two perfectly functioning legs, this might not seem like a big deal. I'm telling you, check yourself... it's a GIANT deal. Like you and I have no clue how much this meant to her but you can tell by the video. It's sure to make you appreciate your own legs and have a true respect for this woman. She's amaze-balls!
Back to Bella, they also said that insurance only covers one device and it must be the most "cost effective". I followed up with "who determines what's the best fit for her that's the most cost effective if they've never even met her or evaluated her ability to function or not?" The answer was "a team of medical professionals". My response "What kind of medical professionals? What is their background and knowledge in limb differences or amputations?" Their response "There's a team that decides." No need to beat a dead horse so to speak. I got that the nice woman on the other end of the phone had no idea who was on that team. No reason for me to badger her about it.
How long does it take for insurance to determine what she's eligible for? 5-15 business days. The sweet woman said "Call back Friday because if they know you keep calling sometimes they push it through a little faster." Be persistent? You've got it lady!
Also confirmed was that insurance covers 80% after our deductible is met. We still have to meet our deductible but that shouldn't be an issue. That part, we already knew. That leaves us with coming up with the other 20%... we'll make that happen.
I'll update you again on Friday after I exercise persistence!
Monday, September 10, 2018
Prosthetic #2
Today we started the journey of a second prosthetic. In a new place, with new faces, a new prosthetist and new insurance. This will bring new adventures and new challenges. It will bring a fresh set of eyes and an expert like no one else. The guy we saw this morning is dubbed the best for kids in the Milwaukee area, how lucky are we?! I know people who've used him and loved him so that brings another level of comfort and excitement.
We knew when Bella got her first one that they generally average about 12-18 months of use before a new one is needed. Kids grow and they grow quickly. Her current prosthetic is causing numbness in her nubbin, what would've been her thumb. She had tears in Idaho at Camp No Limits because it "doesn't feel good". Imagine me saying "put your size 7 shoes on" when you really wear a size 9. Your feet would hurt! That's how she feels wearing her current prosthetic. For her, it was literally at the 12 month mark that she started having discomfort which led to pain.
I mentioned challenges, yes challenges. With a new device there will be challenges. It will feel different, it will fit different, there will be a learning curve. Just like driving, when you get in a car that you aren't used to, you have to take a moment to get your bearings and figure it out. That'll be Bella, and us and her prosthetist. All working together to make the magic happen for Boo Bear.
Insurance challenges are sure to come. I'll spare you our deductible which hasn't yet been met but it's high. Then we are responsible for 20% of her prosthetic, though I'm sure there will be a denial or two first... because usually it's someone with two perfectly functioning hands making the decision *insert eye roll* We'll face that challenge when we get there. This girl has a NURSE mama, I know medical terminology and I know how to advocate like a mother... a dangerous combo for the person making those insurance decisions. Until then, we won't worry.
Today, we went to the Hanger Clinic that is inside of our Children's Hospital. (I'll save the why we switched for another blog.) We arrived about 25 minutes early and started reading a book for school. Hey no time like waiting to log those reading minutes!
We met our new prosthetist. From the minute we met, I knew he was our guy. He greeted Bella right away and started talking to her. Then I introduced myself. We went back into the room where he asked BELLA some more questions. Why were we there? What did she want him to do? What were the issues with her current prosthetic? What would she like in a new prosthetic? What bothered her with her current prosthetic? What did she use it for? What would she like to do? We talked about a new terminal device. Here's her current terminal device for reference. That's the piece that's too small.

This picture shows where you attach the different pieces, like the mushroom for gymnastics or the bike attachment (she also uses that for hockey and a couple of other things in PE)
We also talked about a myoelectric. That works by electrodes inside the arm that respond to her muscle movements. We talked about what she would be able to do with a myo that she doesn't currently do... pick up things with BOTH hands, she could use it on her bike, hold a barbie doll in her left hand, hold a cup in one hand and a plate in the other, sweep and use a dust pan :) Ha I added that one! The thing about a myoelectric is the cost, they are pricey! Google tells me they are $20,000-$100,000. As a parent, it's frustrating that insurance won't pick up more of the cost... I won't get on my soap box about insurance... right now! Anyhow, there are lots of possibilities with the myo that she won't otherwise be able to have. These are the things that those of us with two hands take for granted every.single.day.
The attachments for the prosthetic she has are still in great condition. She told him what she uses the attachments for and why she likes them. She also talked about what she would like to do. Monkey bars are a big one. We'll for sure add the jump rope attachment once she gets a new terminal device.
We knew when Bella got her first one that they generally average about 12-18 months of use before a new one is needed. Kids grow and they grow quickly. Her current prosthetic is causing numbness in her nubbin, what would've been her thumb. She had tears in Idaho at Camp No Limits because it "doesn't feel good". Imagine me saying "put your size 7 shoes on" when you really wear a size 9. Your feet would hurt! That's how she feels wearing her current prosthetic. For her, it was literally at the 12 month mark that she started having discomfort which led to pain.
I mentioned challenges, yes challenges. With a new device there will be challenges. It will feel different, it will fit different, there will be a learning curve. Just like driving, when you get in a car that you aren't used to, you have to take a moment to get your bearings and figure it out. That'll be Bella, and us and her prosthetist. All working together to make the magic happen for Boo Bear.
Insurance challenges are sure to come. I'll spare you our deductible which hasn't yet been met but it's high. Then we are responsible for 20% of her prosthetic, though I'm sure there will be a denial or two first... because usually it's someone with two perfectly functioning hands making the decision *insert eye roll* We'll face that challenge when we get there. This girl has a NURSE mama, I know medical terminology and I know how to advocate like a mother... a dangerous combo for the person making those insurance decisions. Until then, we won't worry.
Today, we went to the Hanger Clinic that is inside of our Children's Hospital. (I'll save the why we switched for another blog.) We arrived about 25 minutes early and started reading a book for school. Hey no time like waiting to log those reading minutes!
We met our new prosthetist. From the minute we met, I knew he was our guy. He greeted Bella right away and started talking to her. Then I introduced myself. We went back into the room where he asked BELLA some more questions. Why were we there? What did she want him to do? What were the issues with her current prosthetic? What would she like in a new prosthetic? What bothered her with her current prosthetic? What did she use it for? What would she like to do? We talked about a new terminal device. Here's her current terminal device for reference. That's the piece that's too small.
We also talked about a myoelectric. That works by electrodes inside the arm that respond to her muscle movements. We talked about what she would be able to do with a myo that she doesn't currently do... pick up things with BOTH hands, she could use it on her bike, hold a barbie doll in her left hand, hold a cup in one hand and a plate in the other, sweep and use a dust pan :) Ha I added that one! The thing about a myoelectric is the cost, they are pricey! Google tells me they are $20,000-$100,000. As a parent, it's frustrating that insurance won't pick up more of the cost... I won't get on my soap box about insurance... right now! Anyhow, there are lots of possibilities with the myo that she won't otherwise be able to have. These are the things that those of us with two hands take for granted every.single.day.
The attachments for the prosthetic she has are still in great condition. She told him what she uses the attachments for and why she likes them. She also talked about what she would like to do. Monkey bars are a big one. We'll for sure add the jump rope attachment once she gets a new terminal device.
He wasted no time taking measurements and then casting her for a new device. He said that Hanger will contact our insurance company and then we will go from there. We'll have to wait to see what the coverage and allowances are so that we can make some decisions from there. She told him her current arm makes her super sweaty and she doesn't like that. He has some ideas that may be a better fit for her. I truly felt like he was an expert in this and would think outside of the box, if necessary, to help her get what works for her.
(This was the only picture she let me take of the whole process!)
35 minutes in and out, which was awesome! We didn't feel rushed. I felt like he really listened to what Bella wanted and what would meet her needs. Bella said "Mom, he's SOOOO nice!" Ultimately, I know that he's the right guy for the job. I know that we will work collaborate to best meet the needs of Bella. I'll keep you all in the loop as we continue on this part of our lives.
In the meantime, back to school for this gal!
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Back to school!
Today is a big day at our house! ALL of the kids will be in school. While I know there are mamas who sit and cry in the corner over their last baby starting school, I'm not one of them. I get it, I really, really do. I empathize with you but I will not be the mama sitting with you.
While I get that your last baby is going to school, I'm embracing this phase in our life. I've embraced each phase as it's come and as it's gone. I realize my days of spending all day with my last baby are done, I get to celebrate and appreciate him a whole new way.
Luca is beyond ready to start kindergarten. I've been told before that he needs the stimulation. He's quick to learn and loves making friends. Heck, after less than a day, he learned to tie his shoe. I think he'll pick up the school routine quickly. Maybe not easily, but he'll get the hang of it quickly. The morning bustle, the getting on the bus, getting off the bus, finding his way, meeting new friends, embracing a different kind of routine, then coming home and all that comes along with end of the day stuff.
A new school year means new things for everyone. It means seeing old friends. It means welcoming and making new friends, which we've already accomplished this summer! It means new schedules, fresh lunches, routines, schedules, new teachers, new classmates. It's really exciting. I try to build up the excitement a lot at home, especially about how amazing their teachers will be. I really value and appreciate our teachers, which is another story.
Mama starts a new semester today too. It's hard to believe I've been teaching full time for almost 3 years. With each semester means changes as well. A new student group, a new schedule, new colleagues and old friends. I get a "fresh start" with each new trimester, it's kind of exciting and fun in my opinion.
I've asked Bella about talking to her class. I've done this EVERY YEAR since kindergarten. Here's the thing, this year I asked and she asked to wait and see.
"Mom I mostly know every one. I mean there are 3 new kids but let's just wait and see how the first day goes."
While I died a little inside, I watched her sweet little face. She was confident and strong. She was brave and happy. She is growing up and she's becoming more certain of who she is and what she wants. This makes me one proud mama. I'll keep you all posted on her final decision in the days to come!
While I get that your last baby is going to school, I'm embracing this phase in our life. I've embraced each phase as it's come and as it's gone. I realize my days of spending all day with my last baby are done, I get to celebrate and appreciate him a whole new way.
Luca is beyond ready to start kindergarten. I've been told before that he needs the stimulation. He's quick to learn and loves making friends. Heck, after less than a day, he learned to tie his shoe. I think he'll pick up the school routine quickly. Maybe not easily, but he'll get the hang of it quickly. The morning bustle, the getting on the bus, getting off the bus, finding his way, meeting new friends, embracing a different kind of routine, then coming home and all that comes along with end of the day stuff.
A new school year means new things for everyone. It means seeing old friends. It means welcoming and making new friends, which we've already accomplished this summer! It means new schedules, fresh lunches, routines, schedules, new teachers, new classmates. It's really exciting. I try to build up the excitement a lot at home, especially about how amazing their teachers will be. I really value and appreciate our teachers, which is another story.
Mama starts a new semester today too. It's hard to believe I've been teaching full time for almost 3 years. With each semester means changes as well. A new student group, a new schedule, new colleagues and old friends. I get a "fresh start" with each new trimester, it's kind of exciting and fun in my opinion.
I've asked Bella about talking to her class. I've done this EVERY YEAR since kindergarten. Here's the thing, this year I asked and she asked to wait and see.
"Mom I mostly know every one. I mean there are 3 new kids but let's just wait and see how the first day goes."
While I died a little inside, I watched her sweet little face. She was confident and strong. She was brave and happy. She is growing up and she's becoming more certain of who she is and what she wants. This makes me one proud mama. I'll keep you all posted on her final decision in the days to come!
Monday, September 3, 2018
Here comes my soap box
I went to the Habitat Humanity Restore because I'm a sucker for most all things second hand. It might be a slight obsession. I'd rather breathe new life into something than buy something new. No, really! Bella even says her favorite store is Goodwill :)
I'm going to get up on a soapbox now... Hold on tight! I was having a great day. I got a great workout in with plenty of sweat and worked my muscles to complete fatigue. I went an got a 20 minute chair massage at the mall, which was basically like 20 minutes of what I imagine heaven to be like. Then, I ran to the restore because our kitchen table has seen better days... like LOTS of better days. I walked in on cloud 27 from my massage. Then a man rolled a table by. As he rolled passed he said loud enough for me to hear "Nice tits". I stopped dead in my tracks, like I was stung and paralyzed.
Who says stuff like that? I'll tell you who, some douche bag that thinks women are a piece of meat. That views women by the size of their breasts and not the size of their brain, kindness or intelligence.
Why did this man think it was okay to say something like that? What would his parents, his children or maybe even his wife think? Those questions I can't answer.
What was I wearing? I took this picture when I was feeling defeated by this guy... that was my shirt. I took a look down at my attire. Cleavage was COMPLETELY covered. I was wearing a t-shirt, jean shorts and flip flops. Then I thought for a second, even if I was wearing my bikini or my cleavage was out, it's not his place to make rude, obscene comments like that. On a side note I thought, that would be like saying a woman deserves to be raped because of her attire. No woman deserves that!
How could I prevent my boys from saying things to women? I can tell you right now how we are doing in this area. The word stupid and hate are "naughty words" from our house. If someone says that, it's immediate time out. They hear their father compliment me. We talk about people being different, being beautiful and pretty. Things are beautiful and pretty, like butterflies. Luca consistently says "look at that beautiful butterfly mama!" When he sees one. I love that! Grayson is quick to tell me that I look pretty. He'll also tell me if I should wear something else... "Mom wear those shoes, they look really nice." Luca just started saying "that's ugly" and I've been working on correcting him. It might be ugly to him but saying that word doesn't make people feel good and can cause sadness. We talk about how things are ugly to some people and beautiful to others.
How could I prevent my Bella from having that said to her? I will remind her that her beauty isn't determined by her looks. Her beauty is determined by her inside, her kindness, the way she treats others, her strength and determination. The boys will get the same message. I will remind her that she should wear lipstick if it makes her feel good, not because it makes others think she's pretty. I will tell her to lift weights to be strong and push the limits of her body. So that she knows being strong is a feeling you can only get from yourself and being physically and mentally strong is something she should value. Am I as strong as others? No, but to me, I feel strong. That's what matters.
I will continue to remind her that men don't have control of her and how she feels... even though my mood completely changed when this man did that. Here's the thing, it caught me off guard and NOW I know how to react and what to say should this ever happen again... to which I pray, it doesn't.
Go off and teach your kids to be kind...
To the guy that stole my spark today, I've got it back and you, my friend, are a dick.
I'm going to get up on a soapbox now... Hold on tight! I was having a great day. I got a great workout in with plenty of sweat and worked my muscles to complete fatigue. I went an got a 20 minute chair massage at the mall, which was basically like 20 minutes of what I imagine heaven to be like. Then, I ran to the restore because our kitchen table has seen better days... like LOTS of better days. I walked in on cloud 27 from my massage. Then a man rolled a table by. As he rolled passed he said loud enough for me to hear "Nice tits". I stopped dead in my tracks, like I was stung and paralyzed.
Who says stuff like that? I'll tell you who, some douche bag that thinks women are a piece of meat. That views women by the size of their breasts and not the size of their brain, kindness or intelligence.
Why did this man think it was okay to say something like that? What would his parents, his children or maybe even his wife think? Those questions I can't answer.
What was I wearing? I took this picture when I was feeling defeated by this guy... that was my shirt. I took a look down at my attire. Cleavage was COMPLETELY covered. I was wearing a t-shirt, jean shorts and flip flops. Then I thought for a second, even if I was wearing my bikini or my cleavage was out, it's not his place to make rude, obscene comments like that. On a side note I thought, that would be like saying a woman deserves to be raped because of her attire. No woman deserves that!
How could I prevent my boys from saying things to women? I can tell you right now how we are doing in this area. The word stupid and hate are "naughty words" from our house. If someone says that, it's immediate time out. They hear their father compliment me. We talk about people being different, being beautiful and pretty. Things are beautiful and pretty, like butterflies. Luca consistently says "look at that beautiful butterfly mama!" When he sees one. I love that! Grayson is quick to tell me that I look pretty. He'll also tell me if I should wear something else... "Mom wear those shoes, they look really nice." Luca just started saying "that's ugly" and I've been working on correcting him. It might be ugly to him but saying that word doesn't make people feel good and can cause sadness. We talk about how things are ugly to some people and beautiful to others.
How could I prevent my Bella from having that said to her? I will remind her that her beauty isn't determined by her looks. Her beauty is determined by her inside, her kindness, the way she treats others, her strength and determination. The boys will get the same message. I will remind her that she should wear lipstick if it makes her feel good, not because it makes others think she's pretty. I will tell her to lift weights to be strong and push the limits of her body. So that she knows being strong is a feeling you can only get from yourself and being physically and mentally strong is something she should value. Am I as strong as others? No, but to me, I feel strong. That's what matters.
I will continue to remind her that men don't have control of her and how she feels... even though my mood completely changed when this man did that. Here's the thing, it caught me off guard and NOW I know how to react and what to say should this ever happen again... to which I pray, it doesn't.
Go off and teach your kids to be kind...
To the guy that stole my spark today, I've got it back and you, my friend, are a dick.
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The joys of being a mama
Being a parent is NO joke. I just had a conversation with one of my aunts about how as parents we do the very best we can and sometimes its ...
Bella asked me to talk with her class. So the next day, I emailed her teacher. She was right on board and welcomed me to come to class THE N...
Earlier today I mentioned going a bike ride. There was lots of excitement and everyone agreed. Should I mention that riding bikes with kids...
We were the first two people to arrive and the fine folks of Emery's were still setting up. I was greeted by Brent one of the owners and...