Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How do you make your kids feel special?

 I came across this blog yesterday. I don't usually link to other blogs but I instantly fell in love with this woman and her thoughts. Being a parent is the hardest job I've ever had in my entire life. Did I mention I've been working since I was 15? So yeah, I've had a variety of jobs in my life.  I've been a cashier, worked at the mall, McDonalds, nanny, a waitress, a beer tub girl, a secretary, a chiropractic assistant, a bagger, babysitter, a checker, a lab assistant, an intern, a charge nurse, a pediatric staff nurse, learned a new hospital system in one shift, women's health nurse, a clinical instructor, a classroom instructor... yeah I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting one... or ten! Whatever, regardless, being a mom is HARD!

This blog spoke volumes to me. When we decided to have 3 kids, I struggled with how I would love each one. How would I make EVERYONE feel special? loved? important? Was there enough of me to go around? Would I still be a good wife? A million questions came into my head. Do I have a favorite? Yep, I sure do. It's the one who sleeps the best and doesn't wake me up at night, so it changes often :) All kidding aside, I love my kids, they are each unique and special for different reasons.
(Parenting at it's finest!)

The post I linked to above, spoke volumes to me. I really LOVE the idea of having one night a month that each kiddo gets their own special time with both parents to have undivided attention. It's hard to be pulled in 3 different directions and while I try to do what I can to be sure everyone gets enough of me, I wonder what they think. Do I do okay? I think I could do better.

I'm lucky to have such an incredible husband that really is my teammate in life and in parenting. It makes a world of difference. I never feel like I'm in this alone. I never feel like I don't have help. I always feel like I can reach out if I'm struggling. I can take "me" time if I need it. He understands. He gets me. He gets parenting 3 little kids. It's a giant blessing to have him on my side.

We talked about it tonight, about implementing this at our house. We talked it over with the kids. Bella LOVED the idea, maybe because the 24th is right around the corner :) Whatever the case, she thought it was a cool idea. I think so too. I'm curious though, how do the rest of you make your kids feel special? If you have one child, what is a tradition or something you do that makes a difference? If you have more than one, how do you be sure each kid gets enough of you? Do you do "alone" time with them at all? Or a "date" day? What WORKS for you? What have you tried that hasn't worked?

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