Tonight, while tucking our sweet girl into bed she said "Mom, when I get bigger, I want to take care of sick kids like you and make them better like you do. And Mom, when I get bigger, I want to be a mom like you too"
I told her "that's a great idea, I would love if you took care of sick kids like mama does and if you are a mom someday when your older, much older! That would make me so proud to have you do the same things I do. Being a mom is the BEST thing ever."
"Yeah but if I'm ganna work, I'm ganna need to learn to drive. If I drive, I'm ganna need a car"
And so it begins, our four year old thinking about her future.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Bikers for Bella- update
I have pictures that Tutu (Bella's grandma and my sweet mama) sent that I'll have to upload soon, I promise! Until then...
The Kansas City, Missouri version of Bikers for Bella was fantastic. It was small but still fantastic. People were very generous in doing what they can for Bella. They all had a great time and the ride went much longer than everyone expected. It was a beautiful day for Kansas City (aka not 100+ degrees in August!)
We're appreciative of my brother for heading up the whole thing and taking charge! We're appreciative of all of those that came out to show their support. We're thankful everyone stayed safe and enjoyed the ride.
After all, life is all about enjoying the ride!
The Kansas City, Missouri version of Bikers for Bella was fantastic. It was small but still fantastic. People were very generous in doing what they can for Bella. They all had a great time and the ride went much longer than everyone expected. It was a beautiful day for Kansas City (aka not 100+ degrees in August!)
We're appreciative of my brother for heading up the whole thing and taking charge! We're appreciative of all of those that came out to show their support. We're thankful everyone stayed safe and enjoyed the ride.
After all, life is all about enjoying the ride!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Bikers for Bella
My brother is heading up a motorcycle run to raise funds for Bella's camp this saturday. My brother may look rough and tumble but he's the guy that would give you the shirt off of his back. He's more reserved than I am but he's also a lot funnier than me once you bring him out of his shell.
It's starting at my dad's old hang out, Tool Shed in Independence. I'm sure he'll be proud to see his son doing something for his niece and bringing my dad's friends into play too. We're all hoping for a great turnout! I know my dad will be watching down laughing at all the madness that ensues with his buddies and other bikers. My dad was no fair weather rider, he rode his Harley in rain, sleet, snow, you name it. My step dad is the same way.
It's a poker run, driver costs $25 and passengers are $10. Of course, prizes at the end for the best hand. Register at 9am, kick stands up by 10:30. Spend your Saturday morning raising funds for a good cause and starting your day off right!
Come show your support for Bella and my brother!
(on a side note, how sweet is that picture of my baby (ok so physically he's WAY bigger than me!) brother with his teeny tiny string bean niece? Brings me back to that day, even after having kids of his own, he was a nervous nelly to hold my little ladybug)
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Growing our community
I have big plans for this blog in addition to raising funds for Bella's Camp No Limits experience. I hope to raise awareness about limb differences. I hope to help other parents teach their children about differences in others and ways to embrace them and not be afraid. Parenting is the most difficult job I've ever had in my life, I'm pretty sure my husband would agree. Ultimately, I'd also love to create a community in the greater Milwaukee area for kids with limb differences. I would like to have meet ups. I would love to have a community locally for parents and children to utilize.
I remember being pregnant with Bella and finding out about her limb difference. I could tell by the look on the ultrasound techs face that something was wrong. She kept running the ultrasound probe across my round belly and her eyes were darting around. I remember her pausing and saying all in one big breath "It's a girl but she doesn't have a left hand". I remember my eyes welling with tears because I was about to be the mother of a daughter! I had thought all along that a little girl was growing inside of me and people laughed when I said I already knew her gender before the ultrasound confirmation. I took a second then turned back to her and said "wait, what?" She repeated and said something like this "it's a girl but she doesn't have her left hand... I'll have to have the doctor come in to double check for sure but I'm positive." The tears rolled down my cheeks and I was silent. Ryan said "well we still have 20 weeks so she's grow one... Right?" I then had to explain to my husband that she would have one already if she was going to have one... that there was no "growing one" at this point in the pregnancy. We both cried. It was a moment of joy and a moment of fear all swallowed up in one.
Prior to our appointment, I couldn't wait to call everyone and tell them the gender of our first child. After our appointment, I felt different. I didn't want to call and say the words the tech had said to me. I just wanted to call and say "IT'S A GIRL", I wanted to yell from the roof tops "I'm going to the be the mama of a daughter!" Instead of screaming those words, I couldn't stop crying. I felt lost. The unknown scared me, it scared us. Ryan and I hugged and talked before calling anyone. We took a few moments for ourselves. I wanted someone to turn to that had answers. We called our parents, I called my brother and sister and then I called my best friend, Ginny (who is a pediatric nurse like me). I'll spare you the rest of the details.
I wanted a community, we wanted a community. We wanted people that we could reach out to ask all of the what if questions. How would she crawl? How would she hold a sippy cup? How would she open markers? Where would she wear her wedding ring? How would people respond to her when she was first born? Would they be afraid? How would children respond? How would she hold hands with her boyfriend and drive? How would she tie her shoes? How would she put on socks alone? Random questions, I know. There are so many more questions that filled our heads that day... We ran them by each other. We troubleshooted what the other person couldn't think of the answer to.
We googled... we googled A LOT. More than I like to remember. We tried to find a community of people we could turn to locally. There were none. We had a hard time actually talking to someone besides in a forum for parents of children with limb differences. I was lucky enough to find one mama in Michigan that was willing to chat with me over the phone about their experiences with their daughter. That hour long conversation brought me so much peace and so much comfort. I continue to wish we had a community here for parents and their children. I'm hoping that through this blog, I can help people connect. I'm always willing to meet with parents locally or have a conversation on the phone. So, please if you have any moms or dads that you think could benefit from talking to another parent, please direct them to the blog! If you have any parents or children in the Milwaukee or Kansas City areas, please have them reach out to me or pass their info on to me and I'll connect with them!
Friday, August 2, 2013
Bowling fundraiser
Sunday, July 28th Bella's "Tutu" and Papa Mark organized a bowling fundraiser in Blue Springs, Missouri at Blue Springs bowl. It was a great success! Thank you to all that came to support her and our goal! Many people came and bowled and had a great time according to those that attended. Some people even came and didn't bowl but cheered on bowlers and donated. Thank you to all that attended and showed your support. I know my mom worked really hard to organize this event! If you are interested in more events, we have a facebook page that I'll link up to later or you can email us at and I can put you on an email list. We plan to have future activities in the Kansas City, Missouri and Milwaukee, Wisconsin areas.
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The joys of being a mama
Being a parent is NO joke. I just had a conversation with one of my aunts about how as parents we do the very best we can and sometimes its ...
Bella asked me to talk with her class. So the next day, I emailed her teacher. She was right on board and welcomed me to come to class THE N...
Earlier today I mentioned going a bike ride. There was lots of excitement and everyone agreed. Should I mention that riding bikes with kids...
We were the first two people to arrive and the fine folks of Emery's were still setting up. I was greeted by Brent one of the owners and...